The 'Emporium'

Description: Cartol’s Emporium - referred to only as the Emporium by it’s inhabitants and customers - is an old Nebulon-B escort frigate that travels the outer rim in search of customers, goods, and salvage. It is operated mostly by a droid crew, but the various cantinas, hotels and other facilities are run by a selection of sentients the owner, Cartol, has allowed semi-permanent residency on his ship. Cartol himself spends most of his time either in salvage operations, teaching his apprentice the tricks of the trade, or personally taking care of customers he finds sufficiently interesting.

The Emporium has been modified extensively to accommodate a rather large hangar bay for Cartol’s used starship resale business. Most customers, on the other hand, must instead dock at an attached, custom-made docking ring connected to the ship’s mid-section. Cartol’s Emporium is considered neutral ground by most pirates and smugglers. The custom docking ring helps reinforce this notion and also adds a welcome level of security by physically separating visiting starships. If violence should break out aboard ship, Cartol has a collection of refurbished battle droids from the Clone Wars that will put an end to most conflicts usually using non-lethal force, unless Cartol deems more extreme measures needs to be taken. If attacked in space, the Emporium has military-grade shields, but is only lightly armed and is therefore quick to enter hyperspace and flee with everyone aboard in order to avoid most conflicts.

Cartol’s Emporium carries almost anything one can imagine; weapons, clothes, luxury items, armour, salvage, bits and pieces of scrap metal, parts for repairs and modifications, exotic oddities from the unknown regions, and droids in most shapes and sizes. Anything that can be found in the outer rim can also, at one timer or another, be found on Cartol’s Emporium. Cartol strives to keep a good selection of wares aboard, even entire starships. Other merchants provide much of the same, but they are forced to specialize where Cartol is able to generalize and provide a wider variety of services.

Cartol’s Emporium has a range of cantinas, hotels and even a casino. These supply customers with food, drink, rest, and other types of clandestine entertainment. It’s safe to say almost anything can be acquired and enjoyed at Cartol’s Emporium, for the right price. While slave trade is not welcome, a few bounty hunters still frequent the Emporium for upgrades and relaxation. A few have also set up shop as a local bounty hunter guild.


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