Character Creation
Core Focus: Dawn of Rebellion
Additional Sources: Edge of the Empire, Age of Rebellion, & Force and Destiny*
Experience Points
Character Creation+0 XP
Starting Credits
Characters start with 2000 CR
Starting Gear
Basic Gear purchased through vendor
- Half of starting credits may be spent on restricted items
- No mods on attachments as they will need to be rolled for
Character Resource (As per Sourcebook)
Edge of the Empire: Starting resource is Obligation and it starts at 10. Additional obligation may be taken and for extra XP or Credits but must have narrative reasoning.
Age of Rebellion: Starting resource is Duty and it starts at 10, but Duty must be converted into XP, Credits, or a combination of both before play.
Force and Destiny: Starting resource is Morality and it starts at 50. Additional morality may either be gained or forfeit for extra XP or Credits but it must have narrative reasoning.
Force Sensitive Characters
The campaign is currently set in 5 BBY. Players desiring to play a force sensitive character must take into account the rarity of a Force Sensitive in a post-Order 66 galaxy. The Emperor and Darth Vader's conquest to eradicate all other force users has made the galaxy a dangerous place for any force sensitive. The few remaining Jedi have gone into exile in fear of being killed by the Empire. Any child born force sensitive is subjected to a life of hiding and secrecy, fearing the Empire's malicious agents looking to expose them. This will have to be factored into your backstory.
The galaxy quakes under the might of the rapidly expanding Galactic Empire. While the glossy surface shows a prosperous galaxy the reality is a grim and dirty population oppressed beneath the fist of a tyrannical Emperor. Rogue Rebel cells begin to carry out terrorist attacks against the Empire and the galaxy braces for swift and brutal retribution.
With the galaxy all focusing on the Rebellion and the Empire's inevitable retribution, certain prizes once unattainable are now becoming accessible. The seedy underbelly of the galaxy unfurls its wings and begins to slowly consume what the Empire is too busy to protect. Small time gangsters rapidly consolidate resources and power and become Cartel Kingpins with the buying power of a Grand Moff. Pirate gangs rally together and wield a fleet strength enough to rival an Imperial Sector Fleet. A few lucky shots puts a lowly bail bondsman into one of the highest paid Bounty Hunters in the galaxy. It is early days in the wild frontier of the galaxy and a time to make credits before the coming storm.
In this time of uncertainty you find yourself aboard the infamous traveling menagerie known as Cartol's Emporium. This wandering Nebulon-Class B Frigate is a den of merchants, smugglers, bounty hunters, and any other dredge or hopeful wanderer in the galaxy, all trying to do the same thing - make a credit where they can and avoid a blaster bolt in the back. You're in the Clear as Mud cantina enjoying a drink before you dive head first into the Emporium and seeing what kind of credits you can dredge up.
5 BBY - Dawn of the Rebellion
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